Our Team Of Small Drain Fly Control Experts Are Here To Help!

100% Guaranteed

Kids & Pet Friendly

Family Owned & Operated

Make Drain Flies, A Thing Of The Past!

We Attack Drain Flies At Their Source

At The Best Exterminator We offer a comprehensive small drain fly control program. We will knock these flies out fast and keep them away. Our process to get control of the flies and keep them away will ensure drain flies do not come back.

Keep Your Food Prep Areas Clear Of Drain Flies!

Get A Small Drain Fly Inspection Today!

Why are we are so successful at controlling the Small Flies?

Our Small Fly Control Process

We Inspect

We know that knocking out the adult flies will not control your issue. We know that targeting the breeding sites will solve your small fly issues. Because of this we always start with an inspection to find these breeding areas.

Create A Plan

Once we find the breeding areas we will create a plan of attack to solve the issue. This could include a combination of treatments by us, as well as some measures you and your team will need to take. Either way, you will have a plan.

Targeted Treatments

We will then execute our treatments. We generally find ourselves using a combination of products to knock out a particular small fly issue. We will focus our treatments on the breeding sites, as well provide a solution for the adult flies.

Schedule Your Small Fly Service!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Do Your Small Fly Control Services Cost?

This cost for our services vary depending on many factors. Pest Control is not a one sized fits all service. We can easily give you a quote over the phone and get you an estimate very quickly.

Which Towns/Cities Do You Service?

Looking For A local Small Fly Exterminator Near Me?


The Best Exterminator will make sure the small flies are an issue of the past.